Beginning piano lessons introduce the student to four basic principles of music:
Volume: Loud v. Soft
Pitch: High Tones v. Low Tones
Pattern Recognition: Same v. different
Tone duration: Long v. Short
Steady beats
Patterns - Combinations
Tempos - speed
Musical notation time values
Musical Alphabet
Repeated pattern on keyboard
Applied to written notes on staves
Motor skills
Eye-hand Coordination
Finger Dexterity
Optimum, comfortable
hand-wrist-arm position
Students are encouraged to become more aware of how music is all around us, having fun pointing out (with the teacher) examples that are in our schools, communities, and around the world.
It's also important to:
sing and match sounds with their voices
hear examples and play duets with their teacher
Play by ear and memorize simple pieces
have and keep track of a regular practice time
At the intermediate level, the student should show progressive mastery of:
Reading Treble and Bass clef together
Knowing Key and Time Signatures
Understanding dynamic and tempo notations
Has some ear training and can sight read​
Can play major scales up to 3 sharps and 3 flats for two octaves, hands together
Has basic understanding of music theory, such as circle of fifths, and major, minor, diminished, augmented and 7th chord structures
Can play intermediate levels of both classical and popular song repertoire
Learning HOW to practice is vital to increasing interest and accomplishment
The student at this level should become more involved in attending music offerings within the schools, community, and concert levels; such as band or choir concerts,
school or theater musicals, symphony concerts.
Teacher-recommended YouTube presentations are also a very good way to
take in a more enriching involvement in all forms of music.
The advanced student is ready for instruction from a teacher who can offer the more intricate nuances of technique and interpretation, and can help transform the music into the performer's own expression.
Most often, the teacher has also been mentored through the opportunities and rigors of public or concert performances, and has the knowledge and experience to delve into these areas of higher skills and mastery.
More efficient and focused practice is required and a good instructor will offer live coaching sessions during a practice session.
The teacher observes where technical difficulties are problematic, offering solutions that address both physical and mental ways of working and thinking through the music which can help these passages seem effortless.
Thoroughly understanding the form, flow and progressions of an entire piano piece vastly increases the presentation and interpretation of the work as a beautiful, exciting and powerful musical statement, experience
and performance.